Information in English about MAs and PhDs

MAs are done in two years, M1 and M2. Please note that we seldom take MA students straight into M2. Experience has taught us that students need to get acquainted with our research methods and the French academic system. If you are not a EU student, you need to apply through the Campusfrance website and write a research proposal. CampusFrance will take care of the assessment of your French during the procedure (note that there is a registration fee).

There are two possibilities :

  1. You are currently registered in a European university: you need to apply through the Paris Diderot e-candidat interface, just like any Paris Diderot student.
  2. If you are a non EU student, you need to apply a year in advance through the Campusfance (CEF) platform BEFORE APRIL. You have to pay for this, but the procedure includes the assessment of your proficiency in French, your motivation(s) and knowledge of the French academic system. Campusfrance emits an opinion on your appplication, based on your academic record and your likelihood to succeed in the curriculum you have chosen. Through Campusfrance, you can apply to several universities but you will eventually need to choose only one among those that accept your application. For an MA at Paris Diderot, you will be more likely to be accepted if you write a research proposal in advance and submit it to us in a preliminary advisory phase. We have in the past written recommendation letters on the basis of approved research proposals. You can include documents in your CEF application file; do not forget to include a research proposal.

In any case, YOU NEED TO WRITE A RESEARCH PROPOSAL and you may contact professors supervising the different MA specialties for advice. You are encouraged to consult the webpage describing the research interests of the department Faculty as well as the former research topics of previous MA students. You need to have followed curricula related to your research topic.

What are the required documents for an MA application through the Paris Diderot e-candidat interface? As a EU student, for any application in M1 or M2, the list of documents you have to attach to your e-candidat application are the following:

As well as:

If you do not have the degree(s) required to apply to the desired program, you must also complete the form and provided the necessary documents for the VAPP procedure (“Validation des Acquis Personnels et Professionnels”), in order to be allowed to move forward with your application, on the basis of work (or other) experience.

I need to be accepted by your MA programme to get a scholarship. What is the procedure? Our colleagues specialised in your field can express interest in your research project, but we need the full Campusfrance application to reach a decison and to endorse your application. You need to apply through Campusfrance first, the advice is to enclose a research project. We can write a recommendation letter based on your research project to support your Campusfrance application.

MA Scholarship

Is there any possibility of being awarded a scholarship?

International Master’s scholarships program – MIEM

In order to strengthen its position as a leading research-intensive university and increase its international attractivity, the Université de Paris invites the most talented students from all over the world to enroll in select Master’s Degree programs, with a view to encouraging them to stay on and prepare their PhD in Paris as well. To this aim, the Université de Paris sets up the MIEM Program, consisting of 60 scholarships (10k€ each) granted every year, within the framework of the Excellence Initiative (IDEX). In addition, each student admitted in the program will be accommodated in a students’ residence at a reasonable price. Non European students will not be charged different fees from European students or students from Associated Countries.


The Master’s Degrees eligible to the Program offer at least one curriculum in English (see the links below for more information). French students, or students having double nationality (French and another nationality), are not eligible to this program. Students should apply to enroll in the second year of their Master’s Degree only; applicants should hold a first-year Master’s Degree; this degree can have been granted by a French university. Students will be selected on the basis of academic excellence in their prior studies, as well as on the excellence of their research projects.


For the academic year 2019-2020, each institution of the Université de Paris (Université Paris Diderot, Université Paris Descartes, and IPGP) receive applications separately, the number of scholarships for each in 2019-2020 being as follows: 26 for Paris Diderot, 26 for Paris Descartes, 8 for IPGP.

More information on the University web page.

Eiffel Scholarships

The Eiffel scholarship program are developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French institutions of higher education to attract the best foreign students to master's and doctoral degree programs.

It is designed to train future foreign decision-makers, from the private and public sectors, in priority fields of study and to stimulate applications from students from emerging countries aged 30 years or less for the master's level and from emerging and industrialized countries aged 35 years or less for the doctoral level.

Eiffel scholarships page (Campus France)

Candidates for the academic year 2021/2022 send their application by email to the person in charge of the chosen course by Monday, November 30 at noon (Paris time) at the latest.