====== Research in the Linguistics Department ====== [[recherche|{{ :ufr:anglais_317x200.jpg?50| }}]] The Linguistics Department associates closely teaching and research in linguistics, in the following areas: * general linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics) * field linguistics, with a focus on Afro-Asiatic, Asian, and Native American languages * computational linguistics, experimental linguistics, psycholinguistics, French as a foreign language, history of linguistic theories Theoretical and experimental approaches are tightly linked, relying on a high-quality [[plateforme expérimentale|experimental lab]]. The close integration of research and teaching is made possible by the presence of several important research units, bringing together faculty and [[http://www.cnrs.fr/index.php|CNRS]] researchers. Researchers and faculty work closely together, sharing educational and administrative duties. The research units associated with the Linguistics Department are well known nationally and internationally. They are scientific leaders in their fields, both as units and through individual members’ participation in international research networks. The research units associated with the Linguistics department are: * [[http://www.clillac-arp.univ-paris-diderot.fr/groupes/arp|ARP]] (Atelier de recherche sur la parole), part of [[http://www.clillac-arp.univ-paris-diderot.fr/|CLILLAC-ARP]] (EA 3967) * [[http://htl.linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr/|HTL]] (Histoire des Théories Linguistiques), UMR (7597) CNRS, ENS Lyon, Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle & Paris Diderot * [[http://www.llf.cnrs.fr/|LLF]] (Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle), UMR (7110) CNRS & Paris Diderot The Linguistics Department and the associated research units are affiliated with the [[http://ed132.ed.univ-paris-diderot.fr|Doctoral School of Language Sciences]] (ED 622 – Sciences du langage).