[[index|Homepage]] \\ [[infopratiques|Student information]] \\ [[enseignement|Programs]] \\ [[recherche|Research]] \\ [[linglunch/presentation|LingLunch]] \\ [[groupecl|LLF Working groups]] \\ [[liens|Links]] \\ ====== The Linguistics Department ====== [[index|{{ :ufr:anglais_317x200.jpg?50| }}]] The Linguistics Department provides BA 3rd, MA and PhD **[[enseignement|Degree programs]]** in //Language Sciences// in: //Computational Sciences// (with the Computer Science Dpt), //Applied Linguistics to Teaching French as a Foreign Language//, //Theoretical and experimental Linguistics//, //Phonetics & Phonology// (with Sorbonne Paris 3). These programs are run by specialists in various fields (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, linguistic theories’history...). Divided into **[[recherche|research teams]]** by **[[http://ed132.ed.univ-paris-diderot.fr|Doctoral program]]**, our diverse Language Science research groups aim to unite different aspects of the study of language. [[https://u-paris.fr/|{{:ufr:logo_transition_web.png?nolink&190 |Université de Paris}}]] [[http://www.linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr/|{{ :ufr:qr-code.jpg?90|www.linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr}}]] **//Nous contacter / Contact us \\ [[ufr/index|{{:ufr:logo-ufrl.png?nolink&220 |The Linguistics Department: contact us}}]]//**