====Advanced theoretical syntax (Syntaxe théorique avancée)==== Toutes les infos et les matériaux associés aux cours sont disponibles ici: https://osf.io/kgpnw/?view_only=fe297f884fbf42c9bc5c51f96a8e466e Le cours se fera en distanciel. Voici le lien zoom (recurrent) pour chaque séance, en synchro. Topic: syntaxe rouge Join Zoom Meeting https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/82498716975?pwd=R1d4am82ZjN1R09IRXNvcXJYZ3F2Zz09 Meeting ID: 824 9871 6975 Passcode: 880832 One tap mobile +33170372246,,82498716975#,,,,*880832# France +33170379729,,82498716975#,,,,*880832# France ==Enseignant 2020-2021== Caterina Donati cdonati@u-paris.fr == Objectifs et contenu principal == Islands The aim of this class is to reflect on the nature, the boundaries and the explanations of island constraints. It will have both a theoretical and an empirical/experimental stance, including 1) a survey of the theoretical proposals that have been made and their problems ; 2) an exploration of radically alternative proposals advocating processing difficulties or pragmatic oddities as the only factors explaining islands ; 3) the setting of some experimental guidelines on how to tease apart these factors. Students taking the seminar will have a) to discuss a paper b) to present about an experiment to be: to pick up an island, an analysis and a language, and set up an experiment aiming at testing the predictions of that analysis for that island effects on that language. The main text : Cedric Boeckx . 2012. Syntactic Islands, CUP. **References** * Beck 2006. Intervention effects follow from focus interpretation. Natural Language Semantics. 14 : 1-56 * Boeckx, C. and A. Gallego. 2011. Deriving CED effects from phases: some reasons for skepticism. Ms., ICREA/UAB. * Cinque, G. 1978. Towards a unified treatment of island constraints. In Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Linguistics, Insbrucker Beitragezur Sprachwissenschaft, W. Dressler and W. Meid (eds.), 344–348. * Epstein, S. D., H. Kitahara, and T. D. Seely. 2010. Structure building that can’t be. Ms., University of Michigan, Keio University, and Michigan StateUniversity. * Hofmeister and Sag 2010. Cognitive constraints and island effects. Language 86 :366-415. * Hornstein, N., H. Lasnik, and J. Uriagereka. 2007. The dynamics of islands: speculations on the locality of movement. Linguistic Analysis 33: 149–175. * Hornstein, N. and J. Nunes. 2008. Some thoughts on adjunction. Biolinguistics2: 57–86. * Hornstein, N., J. Nunes, and K. K. Grohmann. 2006. Understanding Minimalism. Cambridge University Press. * Huang, C.-T. J. 1982. Logical relations in Chinese and the theory of grammar. Doctoraldissertation, MIT. * Müller, G. 2010. On deriving CED effects from the PIC. Linguistic Inquiry 41: 35–82. * Nunes, J. and J. Uriagereka. 2000. Cyclicity and extraction domains. Syntax 3: 20–43. * Phillips, C. 2006. The real-time status of island constraints. Language 82: 795–823. * Phillips, C. 2009. Should we impeach armchair linguists? In S. Iwasaki, ed., Japanese-Korean Linguistics 17. Stanford: CSLI. * Phillips, C. 2011. Some arguments and non-arguments for reductionist accounts of syntactic phenomena. Language and Cognitive Processes 26: 1–32. * Rizzi, L. and U. Shlonsky. 2007. Strategies of subject extraction. In Interfaces + Recursion = Language? Chomsky’s Minimalism and the View from Syntax-semantics, ed. U. * Sauerland and M. Gaertner, 115–160. Mouton: de Gruyter * Sprouse, J. 2009. Revisiting satiation. Linguistic Inquiry 40(2): 329–341. * Sprouse, J., M. Wagers, and C. Phillips. To appear. A test of the relation between working memory capacity and syntactic island effects. Language. * Stepanov, A. 2007. The end of CED? Minimalism and extraction domain. Syntax 10: 80–126. * Szabolcsi A. 2006. Strong and Weak islands. In M. Everaert and H. van Riemsdjk, The Blackwell Companion to Syntax, vol1, CH. 64. * Takahashi, D. 1994. Minimality of movement. Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut.