====Theoretical syntax (Syntaxe descriptive et théorique)==== ==Enseignant 2021-2022== Caterina Donati caterina.donati@u-paris.fr here the link for the course repository: https://osf.io/avc92/?view_only=9f51b71106dd408b92238a973f62fa24 The course starts on Monday 13/09 and takes place every Monday from 9 to 12 in a room tbd. ==Aim and syllabus == The aim of the class is to address the issue of word order, word order variation and its limitations from the point of view of theoretical syntax. The course is articulated in 12 classes (CM) followed by training sessions (TD). **Syllabus** 1. Monday 13/09 Word order typology across world languages: Greenberg and implicational universals Reading: Greenberg 1963 TD: Reading complex data 2. Monday 20/09 Some facts about diachrony Reading: Gell-Mann & Ruhlen 2011 TD: Some exercises on X-bar theory 3. Monday 27/09 Some facts about acquisition Reading: Goldin Meadow et al. 2008; Culberston & Newport 2016; Christophe et al. 2016. TD: The structure of the clause. V to T movement. NP movement 4. Monday 4/10 Two types of parameters: linearization vs movement A diagnostic: c-command and binding TD: exercises on binding 5. Monday 11/10 Non configurational languages Reading: tbd TD: exercises on non configurational languages 6. Monday 18/10 Test. 7. Monday 25/10 The notion of movement and its constraints Reading: tbd TD: Exercises on islands and locality 8. Monday 8/11 The antisymmetric hypothesis Reading: Kayne 1994 TD: exercises on LCA 9. Monday 15/11 Evolutions of the antisymmetric hypothesis Readings: Kayne 2020; Moro 2020; Sheehan et al. 2017 TD: Raising and control 10. Monday 22/11 The Cartographic enterprise 1: Splitting up IP Readings: Pollock 1989; Belletti 1990. Iatridou 1990 TD: the mirror principle 11. Monday 29/11 The cartographic enterprise 2: splitting up CP and beyond Readings: Rizzi 1997; Cinque &Rizzi 2008 TD: doing cartography 12. Monday 6/12 New approaches regarding the lexicon/syntax interface and their possible consequences for word order Readings: tbd. TD: guidelines about the paper to be written. **References** * Martins A. and A. Cardoso (eds.). 2018. Word order change. Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics, OUP. * Bailey L. and M. Sheehan (eds). 2018. Order and structure in Syntax. Language Science Press. * Westergaard M. . 2009. The acquisition of word order. John Benjamins. * Svenonius, P. (ed.) 2000. The derivation of OV vs VO. John Benjamins.